
The Mountain Advocate Newspaper Editorial Page Policy

The Mountain Advocate welcomes letters to the editor on topical matters. We hope the opinions published in the editorial section of the newspaper encourage you to share your opinion through a letter to the editor to further public discourse about the issues important to all the citizens of Knox County.

All letters must be signed by the author and include your address and best phone number for verification purposes. Only the writer’s name and city will be published in the newspaper. No letters will be published anonymously.

The Mountain Advocate has sole discretion to decide whether a submitted letter will be published. If your letter is permitted to be published, it will run for one week in print and will be published on our website. By submitting a letter for publication, you are giving us the right to publish the letter by both print and digital means.

All letters to be printed in The Mountain Advocate should have immediate relevance to Knox County, Kentucky exclusively. Topics that reach beyond Knox County may be declined.

The Mountain Advocate reserves the right to edit any submission for spelling, grammar and we reserve the right to exclude potentially libelous or outright inflammatory statements. If a letter is published with deleted content, it will be noted as such.

The Mountain Advocate does not accept chain or form letters. All letters should be typed, or clearly handwritten and should not exceed 400 words. If space permits, longer letters may be published. Letters exceeding the limit will potentially be edited due to space limitations. Edits will not be submitted to the original writer for prior approval. We encourage letters to be submitted by email, when possible, to editor@mountainadvocate.com

Columns printed in The Mountain Advocate by local and syndicated columnists express the sole views of the writer and not the staff, management, or ownership of The Mountain Advocate.

Submissions may be sent to The Mountain Advocate, 214 Knox Street, Barbourville, KY 40906, or emailed to editor@mountainadvocate.com, or delivered in person to our office.


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