Classifieds and Public Notices - Week of 2-14-2024
FOR RENT - 2 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home for rent. Washer/dryer hookup, refrigerator and stove furnished. No pets. Call 606-627-7990.
February 29, 2024
10 a.m. at Mr. Ted’s Salvage
1992 Chevrolet 1500
2012 Chevrolet Sonic
2003 Ford F150
1979 Ford F150
Contact 606-224-5219 for more information.
Pursuant to Application Number 861-0562
In accordance with KRS 350.055, notice is hereby given that JMR Resources, LLC, 320 Catalpa Street, Pineville, KY 40977 has applied for a permit for a surface coal mining and reclamation operation affecting 121.82 acres located 1.20 miles south of Dishman Springs in Knox County.
The proposed operation is approximately 0.3 miles East from KY RT 6’s junction with Smith Hollow Road and located 3.98 miles east of Helton Branch. The Latitude is 36-51-45 and the Longitude is 83-57-07.
The proposed operation is located on the Barbourville U.S.G.S. 7 ½-minute quadrangle map. The surface and underground area to be disturbed is owned by Donnie Patrick, Ronnie Patrick, Donnie Bruce Patrick and Vicky Mills. The operation will use the contour and Auger/Highwall miner methods of mining.
This is the final advertisement of this application; all comments, objections, or requests for a permit conference must be received within thirty (30) days of today’s date. The application has been filed for public inspection at the Division of Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Middlesboro Regional Office, 1804 E. Cumberland Ave, Middlesboro, KY 40965. Written comments, objections, or requests for a permit conference must be filed with the Director, Division of Permits, 300 Sower Blvd., Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.
Notice of Blasting Schedule
Alden Resources, LLC, 332 W. Cumberland Parkway, Corbin, KY 40701, phone number (606)523-9760, gives notice that blasting operations will be conducted on its coal mine permit number 918-0504, covering Increments, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. Latitude: 36° 49’ 41”, Longitude: 84° 02’ 24”
The proposed operation is located approximately 5.25 miles east of Rockholds in Whitley & Knox County Kentucky, and is approximately 0.64 miles east of KY 1064 junction with Terrell Hollow Road.
Blasting operations are projected to continue March 2024 through March 2025. Blasting will be conducted between sunrise and sunset except in emergency situations. Emergency situations include, but are not limited to, lightning, the imminent threat of lightning, or other circumstances that require unscheduled detonation for the safety of the public or miners.
Any major alterations to the blasting schedule will be published. Unscheduled blasting may occur in emergency situations when rain, lightning or other atmospheric conditions or operator or public safety requires unscheduled detonation. The nearby residents will be notified of the unscheduled blast by using audible signals and the blast shall then proceed as a regular blast. Entry to the blasting area will be regulated by signs or barriers. An authorized company representative will prohibit access to the blasting area by unauthorized persons at least five (5) minutes before each detonation and until the all clear signal is sounded. Warning signals will be made by using a siren in the following manner:
The pre-blast warning signal will be a one (1) minute series of long blasts five (5) minutes prior to the blast signal. The blast signal will be a series of short blasts one (1) minute prior to the detonation. The all clear signal will be a prolonged blast following the inspection of the blast area.
The operation will involve relocation and closure of the public roads Mosley Hollow Spur, CR-1601, and Eaton Fork Road, CR-1246 while mining and blasting operations are active.
SBA LLC D/B/A Barbourville Shell Food Mart declares its intention(s) to apply for NQ Retail Malt Beverage Package License no later than 02/07/2024. The licensed premises will be located at 1376 S US 25E barbourville,ky 40906. The owner/Officer(s) are Bimal Adhikari Resident of 1762 Amethyst way, lexington, KY 40509, Binti Adhikari Resident of 2417 Geppa Ct, Lexington KY 40509, Any person, association, corporation, or body politic may protest the granting of the license(s) by writing the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, at 500 Mero St2NE33,Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601,within thirty (30) days of the date of legal publication.
Khodal 1 Inc dba Downtown Food & Smoke Shop Outlet hereby declares its intention(s) to apply for a NQ Retail Malt Beverage Package License no later than February 16, 2024. The licensed premises will be located at 240 Daniel Boone Drive, Barbourville, KY 40906. The sole owner and president is Sunil Patel, 110 Jedi Way Unit #2, Corbin, KY 40701. Any person, association, corporation, or body politic may protest the granting of the license(s) by writing the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, 500 Metro St 2NE33, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, within thirty (30) days of the date of legal publication.
The Knox County Fiscal Court will be accepting sealed bids on a Chevrolet 3500, Chevrolet 4500 and a Chevrolet 5500 Pickup Truck or Equivalent to . Bid Packets will be available February 15, 2024 in the Knox County Judge Executives Office.
Bid packets will be opened on February 26, 2024 at 10:00 A.M. in the Knox County Judge
Executive’s Office 401 Court Square, Suite 6, Barbourville, KY 40906.
Knox County Fiscal Court reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, waive all formalities in bidding process and negotiate with the apparent low bidder.
Knox County is an equal opportunity employer.
RFQ Issue Date: February 15, 2024
Knox County Fiscal Court is accepting Request for Qualifications from engineering firms to conduct due diligence on a potential industrial site located in Knox County, Kentucky.
RFQ packets will be available beginning February 16, 2024 in the Knox County Judge-Executive’s Office, 401 Court Square, Suite 6, Barbourville, KY 40906. Packets will be open March 7, 2024, at 10AM. Knox County Fiscal Court has the right to accept or reject any or all submissions.
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